Playing certain type of songs according to your mood right
now. Sounds amazing?
From brainwave to songs. But...How to do it?
With the help of Neurosky TGAM1 module (you can google it),
brainwave data can be tracked for later analysis.
Our device (Neurosky TGAM1 module, bluetooth module, battery
and electrodes)
Different brainwave reflect different moods. We define 4
mood types: excited, peaceful, anxious and depressed.
I'm anxious now, you see!
And with the help of digital signal processing and machine
learning algorithm. All the songs in your local media library can
be classified into 4 categories i.e. exuberance, anxious,
contentment and depression.
Songs are grouped into 4 types
Here it is an interesting open question. We have 4 kinds of
mood and 4 kinds of songs. We can create a 1-to-1 mapping. How
about playing joyful song when the person is happy and sad song
when the person is gloomy? Not so good, but it doesn't make sense
if you play sad songs when the person is happy, either. It is an
open question. You can use your imagination.